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Acne Facial Beauty Treatment

Acne Facial Beauty Treatment
Acne Facial Beauty Treatment, Acne is indeed the enemy of beauty, everyone would want his face clear of acne in order to look attractive and confident in activities both men and women, reasons acne appears is Excessive production of oil glands that inhibit the skin pores and hair follicles channel, In addition, bacteria, hormones, as well as the accumulation of dead skin cells also plays an important role growth of acne, therefore, take care of your face before it's too late, because if it is severe or too late would be difficult to treat.

Type of skin that in humans there are several kinds, among which are oily and acne, dry skin, combination skin, sensitive skin and normal skin, if you have a normal skin type, meaning you are lucky man, for normal skin types rarely have problems in the face, in contrast to other types of skin. therefore, Know your skin, do not let you have skin problems as a result of the wrong skin treatment.

Basically the treatment of facial acne is to treat the face to keep it clean. Dirt and dust are not cleaned on the face can make appear bacteria and trigger the growth of acne, Therefore, to prevent acne, facial skin is always treated regularly. Besides that when using a special cream cleanser or face should be adjusted to the conditions and character of skin you have. to take care of acne skin I suggest you do the treatment naturally, because it is more secure compared to other treatments, Natural ingredients that you can use is ;

1. Lemon, egg white, and aloe vera
Lemon juice can remove acne because it has a high content of citric acid which is capable of reducing the oil content in the face, the way lemon juice mixed with rose water and use to wash your face.

while for the egg whites, beat the egg whites first, separated with egg yolk, then apply a pimpled face, wait until dry, then rinse with clean water, for aloe vera, after you peel the skin apply on face, then wash your face with clean water.

2. Cucumber mask
Cucumber has many health benefits for the face, one of which is for treating acne, Because the cucumber contains astringent substances that can be used reduce excess oil on the face. the way is easy to use cucumber mask, small slices of cucumber which will be used as a mask, then place it on the face wait for 15 minutes and then clean your face.

3. Avoid oily and fatty foods
Oily foods will increase the oil content in your face, while fatty foods will cause acne, so it is better to avoid such foods.

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