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Various type Of Acute acne

Various type Of Acute acne, This time I want to discuss the kinds of types of acne that exist in our face, whose name pimples always makes us afraid and not confident, both men and women, I know the type of acne that there are 5 kinds, among others are Acne Conglobata, Acne Fulminans, Acne Papula, Acne Pustula and Acne nodules.

If you have an acne problem and do not know what type of acne you have, you can see pictures and descriptions below:

1. Acne Conglobata / cystic acne : Acne conglobata is more common in males than females at age 18-30 years, Physical appearance is often characterized by inflamed lumps, large, and connect with each other, This type of acne which has a large size and usually appear on the bottom surface of the skin and the type of acne is quite painful, so someone who has cystic acne are more at risk of acne scars.

Acne Conglobata
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2. Acne Fulminans occur if treatment is not successful acne conglobata. Affected individuals will experience pain and inflammation of the joints plus with skin problems from acne conglobata

Acne Fulminans
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3. Acne Papula, the characteristics of this type of acne is have red mound, and a little bit inflamed, form is not big and does not have a lot of pus in it.

Acne Papula
Source image from

4. Acne Pustula have red mound, and a little bit inflamed, form is not big and have a lot of pus in it

Acne Pustula
Source image from

5. Acne nodules the characteristics of this type is have a large form.

Acne nodules
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