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Beauty Treatment 10 Tips Hair Loss

Beauty Treatment 10 Tips Hair Loss, have a hair loss problem is very annoying, many women or men looking for a solution to overcome the problem of hair loss, many ways that have been done, such as consultation with a hair expert, but the results are not as expected, causes of hair loss usually occurs due to the wrong choice of shampoo or too frequently changing shampoos.

If you are the type of people who often change shampoo, from now use a shampoo that suits to your hair type, for more details please read hair loss 10 tips below:

1. Consumption Nutrients And Minerals
if you want your hair remain healthy and free from hair loss problems, you should keep your hair nutrients being met, because the nutrients and minerals are good for maintaining the health of your hair.

2. Olive oil
Heat the olive oil then apply all over your hair, Massage your hair gently, do 10 to 15 minutes, then wash your hair, do every day 1 time, the best time is when you want to go to sleep.

3. Aloe vera
Apply aloe vera to the hair until evenly, let stand 10-15 minutes and then rinse with clean water.

4. Reduce consumption of meat
Foods containing animal fats will increase the production of oil glands and bacteria on the scalp, if you can for a while avoid these foods if you are experiencing hair loss problems.

5. Lime
use lime to clean your scalp, because lime contain vitamins and minerals that can remove excess oil, and refresh your scalp and also nourish your hair, It's easy, use lime juice on your head, let stand for 15 minutes, then rinse with clean water.

6. Hair thickening shampoo
Use hair thickening shampoos to increase the volume of hair. If no, you can use a shampoo that does not contain sulfates and alcohol.

7. Skin Apples
Apple skin is very good to overcome the problem of hair loss, because the skin of the apple contains vitamins base that can increase blood circulation to the scalp. In addition Fruit apple skin is rich in polyphenols can combat hair loss problems. It's easy, puree the apple skin, then apply to the head, let stand for 15 minutes then rinse with clean water.

8. Coconut oil
Coconut oil is a natural substance that can be used to eliminate dandruff. Dandruff can inhibit hair growth. To get rid of dandruff that hair grow faster, you can rub coconut oil on the scalp to the hair. Make sure all hair follicles affected by oil. If this process is done every day, then within 15 days, dandruff will disappear and the hair roots strong. With regular maintenance you will quickly grow hair.

9. Stress
Avoid stress due to excessive stress would trigger hair loss.

10. Avoid non-organic chemicals
Coloring and relaxers are very bad for your hair, and be sure not to leave the chemicals in your hair too long, because your hair will fall out easily when on leave.

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