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Benefits Of Honey For Beauty Face And Skin

Benefits Of Honey For Beauty Face And Skin
Benefits Of Honey For Beauty Face And Skin, Honey is a fluid produced by bees, benefits of honey aplenty, especially for the health of skin and face, because honey has been trusted by many people can overcome health problems naturally.honey good for skin health because honey contains fructose, glucose, maltose, sucrose, water, and others, Besides the antioxidant content contained in honey can also prevent skin aging.

Benefits of honey to your face and skin beauty was no doubt anymore, because many people who have tried and get the desired results, so for those of you who still do not know the benefits of honey for health, please read the benefits of honey below :

1. Moisturize skin
Use honey if you have a dry skin type, it is very easy, you apply honey throughout your face, then let stand for 10 minutes after that wash with warm water, so your skin will feel cool and moist.

2. Prevent skin aging
If you want to always look young with a clean face and toned, treat your face with honey,the way is Mixed with a little water and 2 tablespoons of honey and lemon juice and mix well, then apply on the face with cotton wool, wait for 10 minutes then rinse with warm water.

3. Making small pores
Large pores can trigger a variety of skin problems because the pores are easily clogged by dust and dirt, To make the small pores, you can try with this honey treatment, the way is Mix 5 tablespoons honey, 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, 2 tablespoons of milk powder, and then apply on your face while doing gentle massage, then rinse with warm water.

4. Improve the body's immune system
Beneficial honey to kill bacteria in the human body, besides that honey also functions as an antioxidant that can overcome the harmful free radicals that may damage the body, There are natural sugars in honey which can healthy for the body and is also a good source of calories for the body.

5. Wounds heal Skin
With honey you can minimize the occurrence of infections and injuries, sugar in honey can help speed up the healing of wounds, besides honey also contains anti-microbial.

6. Skin cleanse
Honey can be used as a skin cleanser because no enzyme content therein without reducing the content of skin, a mixture of water and honey can produce a gentle antiseptic and can cleanse the skin.

7. overcoming Acne
Honey can kill acne, because honey contains anti-bacterial and stain so that acne can be lost little by little, way to use honey for acne is Prepare honey then warmed in advance, and then Apply warm honey that we have to face that there are areas of acne or acne scars, wait for 10 minutes then rinse with warm water.


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