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Causes of Acne Growing On The Face

Causes of Acne Growing On The Face, Acne can grow in our faces for many reasons, because in addition to facial hygiene or because of genetic factors, Acne usually appears in teenage years, namely 17 years of age, because at that time the teens enter puberty, puberty in teens will experience a hormonal process that is a time when teens will experience menstrual and vaginal discharg.

Sometimes they will feel stressed because during puberty emotions are very high level and it will affect the way of thinking and their behavior, and at that time the acne will appear for the first time due to hormones and stress levels are high, if the pimples that appear because of puberty it will go away over time, but if acne appears because of the cleanliness of the skin and the wrong use of cosmetics, then the acne will be a long recovery. There are so many factors that affect the appearance of acne on our face, among others, are:

1. Hygiene skin and incorrect use of cosmetics
Skin hygiene is very important to keep your face clear of acne, because if our face is dirty and rarely cleaned the acne will easily appear in our face. As well as choosing cosmetics, do not just select and use, carefully used your skin type according to the product that you want to use it or not, do not carelessly put on cosmetics, if your skin is not able to receive the materials contained in the product, then your skin will easily arise acne and other skin diseases.

2. Nutrition and Hormones
Skin Nutrition plays an important role in maintaining the health of our face, if nutrition is not enough, then your face will look dull and it will make acne appear, while hormones can trigger acne arises due to the hormonal balance in the body out of balance, if it does, then the excess hormones will run into our faces in the form of acne.

3. Skin type, lifestyle and food
Know your skin first, so that you avoid the use of produck beauty that does not match the type of skin you have, because one cause of acne is if you choose the wrong beauty products.
Lifestyle and food is also one of the causes of acne to grow in the face, lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits such as eating fatty foods too much, staying up every night, smoking and many others.

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