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Overcoming Excessive Oily Skin Effectively Only By 4 Steps

Overcoming Excessive Oily Skin Effectively Only By 4 Steps, Before we talk about how to cope with oily skin, I would like to invite you to get to know more closely and detail what it is oily skin, what factors are causing oily skin, and how to resolve the issue.

Oily skin is a facial condition that secrete excess oil production, it is caused because our facial pores larger than normal, why pores of my face is bigger than the other?, to know the cause please listen to the following article, probably one of the reasons large pores of your face is among the causes of large pores below:

why pores of my face is bigger

A. the extraction process
extraction process is a kind of separation of one or more ingredients of a solid or liquid, extraction process is usually done when you do a facial treatment at a clinic or beauty salon, in the process of facial treatments there is usually a process of extraction of blackheads,

Extraction of blackheads is done by pressing the existing skin of blackheads, so that blackheads in the pores of the face can be climbed. After that, blackhead extractor will be incorporated into the pores of the skin, right in the existing blackheads, so blackheads easily retrieved.

Did you know that the extraction of blackheads is very dangerous for the skin? This is the reason why the extraction of blackheads banned from use in the medical world:

1. Extraction of blackheads is often done by pressing the skin around blackheads can press on nerves, this causes pain.

2. Injure the sebaceous follicles
Sebaceous follicles or hole blackheads can be hurt because at the time of extraction, blackheads out forcibly, and the process can make cuts sebaceous follicles.

3. Potential causes acne and scar
the extraction process will create the pores become large, causing the entrance of bacteria become larger. This can cause the appearance of acne, Scar would arise if the extraction of blackheads is done on the blackheads become inflamed.

4. Sense of dependence
In addition to physical risks, extraction of blackheads can also cause psychological dependence. In general, people will feel more glad and her skin felt cleaner after extraction.

Though such satisfaction is a psychological satisfaction, so that the extraction of blackheads will be continuously repeated as addictive. Extraction of blackheads repeatedly can increase the risk of inflammation, enlarged pores, so that the healing process of the skin after extraction will be longer.

My advice avoid doing Extraction, because it harms your skin, so you do not regret in the future.

B. The second cause of large pores is Acne
Everyone seems to have experienced acne problems, especially adolescent age group and oily skin types. For sure, the appearance of acne on the face is the facial pores are large. Although acne or your skin no longer produce oil, the size of the pores will be enlarged if you do not routinely perform facial peels treatments.

C. Wearing too much makeup
with heavy makeup, automatically acne scars and large pores in the face will be covered, but all efforts were instead will cause inflammation, excessive makeup will gradually accumulate fat, oil, and dirt make the size of the pores getting bigger. Powder, foundation, or cosmetics, it will only cover the lack of face but does not work to improve the condition of the skin surface.

It is the reason the pores of our face to be larger, once you know the cause, you will certainly wondered how to overcome them.

How to Overcoming Excessive Oily Skin Effectively Only By 4 Steps

1. To clean fats and oil on the face, you can do it by evaporation face or steaming, place your face over the steam of boiling water and feel. Remember enough to feel the steam only do not input into the boiling water.
you might ask what is the benefit of facial steam?


Benefit of steaming is :

a. Can help cleanse the skin down to the pores inside. Steam will bring the dead skin, dirt, out of the pores.
b. Steaming the face can also cure acne. Acne that had red will soon undercooked and will remove dirt and oil in it.
c. Steaming the face can also prevent premature aging. Difficult to regenerate facial skin will be helped and in spite of the facial skin, so the skin is always new. Steaming can moisturize the face, against dry skin, tighten skin and remove dead skin.

2. Avoid foods that could trigger the fat on the skin.
Reason why we should avoid foods that contain a lot of fat is in order that our bodies do not have the excess fat in the body, if the fat in the body balanced, oil production on our face would be normal.

3. Use natural mask using natural mask is highly recommended, because in addition there is no risk and is also easy to make it, there are some natural mask that you can use, for example, a mask of apples, pineapple, lemon, yam and cucumber. select a mask that fits your skin type, sometimes when we ask friends or family about the type of skin they have, they do not know the answer.

how can it be like that ?, the answer is because they do not know what type of skin they have, so that you can specify what type of skin you have, I will give information about skin types that exist in humans.

Humans have five types of skin that is normal, dry, sensitive, combination and Oily.

- Characteristic of normal skin is the surface of the skin feeling soft, smooth and elastic.

- Dry Skin Characteristics are rough and stiff skin both before and after cleaning.

- Characteristic of sensitive skin is has a structure very thin skin and easily irritated.

- Characteristic of combination skin is Skin that has 2 different skin types such as a blend of oily skin and dry skin types.

- Characteristic of Oily skin is skin looks shiny, quick shabby, and when attached paper will absorb the oil.

types of skin

Whereas mask suitable to 5 skin type is

- Normal skin compatible with all types of masks.

- Dry Skin : milk and avocado mask

- Sensitive skin : carrot mask

- Combination skin : masks of aloe vera and cucumber

- Oily Skin : milk, Aloe vera and avocado mask

4. Wash your face regularly

Wash your face regularly

When viewed at a glance clean face is small thing, but if we do not know the right way to clean your face, our skin will get into trouble, the correct way to clean the face is use a facial cleanser according to your skin type, Wet your face with warm water, in order to your skin moist and the skin pores open.

Then wet your hands with water, take a little cleanser, rub until foaming. Gently wash your face. Do it in a circular motion while gently massaged to remove the remaining dirt on the face, as well as to facilitate the circulation of blood, then wash your face with cold water immediately.

Useful cold water to close your pores, Once clean, dry your face with a soft towel, by tapping it gently. let your skin is completely dry and no blisters, the Last, apply a moisturizer so skin does not dry.


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