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10 Causes of Hair Loss In Men and Women

10 Causes of Hair Loss In Men and Women, in this world who would not want to have healthy hair, women and men definitely want healthy hair and avoid the problem of hair loss, but in fact the problem of hair loss always comes to us, Hair loss can occur for many reasons, could be due to the use of the wrong shampoo, food, lifestyle and many others.

For more details about the cause of hair loss, you can read the following article:

1. Drugs
Be careful in taking the drugs because many drugs contain chemicals that can make hair roots weaken, making it easier for your hair loss, kind of drug that can make your hair fall out is a drug that too much vitamin A, for example, gout medication, blood thinners, antidepressants, contraceptives and chemotherapy drugs.

2. Shampoo
Use a shampoo that suits your hair and skin type do not often change kind of shampoo.

3. Poor Nutrition and vitamin
Avoid a diet when you have hair loss problems, diet will make your body less nutrients and vitamins.

4. Disease
If someone has a serious illness, the person is automatically hair will fall out, because the immune system, nutrients and vitamins required is not enough.

5. Hormonal disorders
This occurs when your thyroid work too active or even completely inactive. This is the cause of hair loss.

6. Hot shower
Dehydrated skin can be caused by hot water, which can cause hair to become dry, brittle, easily broken, causing hair loss, water heat causes the hair roots become damaged so that the hair becomes easier to fall, So it is better to use cold water when you rinse the hair.

7. Hair Tie Too Tight
Be careful when tying your hair. Tying the hair too tight will cause the hair follicles become damaged and could cause tension in the hair follicle. If the hair follicle permanently damaged, then it will be difficult to grow hair again. Therefore you are advised to loosen the ties on your hair, and pull gently at the time of going to tie up her hair and do not be too strong tie.

8. Pregnancy and childbirth
Pregnancy and childbirth is one of the causes of hair loss in women, it occurs naturally. Until a few months later the hair will recover and will not fall again.

9. Stress
Someone who has an emotional disorder will feel depressed or stressed. Stress will make your hair fall out.

10. Sun
Ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun can erode a person's hair elasticity. if prolonged exposure to sunlight cuticle layer will be weakened, if continuously exposed to UV light will cause the hair to become brittle and easy to experience hair loss. as a suggestion you try to wear a hat or other kind of protective hair so that your hair is not exposed to direct ultraviolet rays. If possible, you can use a conditioner on your hair that works to prevent hair damage caused by UV rays.

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